As the tourist marketing body for the States of Jersey, Visit Jersey’s mission is to promote tourism to and within Jersey in an innovative, economic and efficient way to deliver on our vision of a vibrant, sustainable, tourism industry. We aim to ensure that tourism to Jersey thrives by working in partnership to build the sector’s successes and secure a sustainable future for our tourism businesses and for our visitor experience across Jersey.
Discover recent highlights, some of the areas of focus and the approach of the team.

Value to Tourism in Jersey
Tourism’s role in Jersey extends way beyond its financial contribution. The halo effect created by our visitors creates jobs, feeds businesses, provides essential connectivity to our wider community and enhances the quality of life for all.

Business Plans
As the tourist marketing body for the States of Jersey, Visit Jersey’s mission is to promote tourism to and within Jersey in an innovative, economic and efficient way to deliver on our vision of a vibrant, sustainable, tourism industry.

Visitor Economy Strategy Steering Group
Supporting the renewal and expansion of existing economic sub-sectors, and helping to diversify Jersey's economy.