One of our key objectives at Visit Jersey is to ensure that we work with industry to continue to meet the needs of our visitors and deliver an outstanding visitor experience, always putting customers at the heart of everything we do. We work with industry to develop and promote products and experiences that respond to the evolving needs and expectations of our visitors, driving competitiveness and productivity and optimising supply and demand. We rely on evidence-based research and insights to help inform our product strategy and to enable us to be the voice of the consumer to help industry develop their products and experiences. Explore some of our Product research activity below.
Product Research Summary
During 2017 and again in 2022, Visit Jersey undertook some substantial Product research projects to help in the development and delivery of product experiences with each piece of research undertaken by independent expert agencies.

Kantar TNS and Island Global Research conducted a nine-month Visitor Experience Project which entailed interviewing leisure visitors to Jersey to explore their experience across a range of key ‘touch-points’ with a particular focus on how the experience stacked up against that available in other parts of the British Isles. Colliers International also conducted a Product Audit of the tourism products and services available in Jersey and how these relate to what is to be found in other comparable destinations. This research was undertaken during 2017 and a refreshed Product Audit was also undertaken during 2022.

Overarching findings
Although exploring Jersey’s product offering from different angles and with somewhat different objectives it is possible to identify some common findings identified by the two projects:
- Jersey has a strong product offering for its size that largely meets the needs and expectations of visitors at present.
- However, as Jersey is now starting to attract and target a more diverse range of visitors, it will be crucial that the visitor experience evolves in order to guarantee that it keeps pace with the expectations of tomorrow’s visitors as well as those of today.
- Comparator destinations are not standing still in terms of their product offer as they recognise that tourism is fiercely competitive; consumers have a multitude of destinations from which to choose, many of which are perceived to be easier to reach than Jersey. Competition is especially fierce in the post-Covid period.

An evidence-based approach to identifying best prospect consumer segments for Jersey as we plan our recovery strategy.