The online auction for Tortoise Takeover is officially live. From today, 49 giant tortoise sculptures are open for online bids. The magnificent hare, Love to Run, is also up for grabs, plus a few special young tortoise sculptures. As an exciting addition Chimera, the gorilla sculpture that was commissioned as a prequel to Tortoise Takeover, will also be part of the auction.
Those wanting to get their hands on a tortoise can place a bid by scanning the QR code on the plaque of their favourite tortoise or by visiting Bidding starts at £3,400 for giant tortoises and £1,500 for young tortoises.
On 21 September, these sculptures will go officially under the hammer at The Royal Yacht Hotel at the much anticipated Tortoise Takeover auction with celebrity auctioneer Charles Hanson. Charles Hanson is no stranger to these auctions and bought the house down with the phenomenal Go Wild Gorillas auction in 2019. The online auction will be running in sync with the ‘in the room’ bids so that you can get your hands on a sculpture no matter where you are in the world.
The auction is to raise vital funds to help build new facilities for the precious reptiles and amphibians that are cared for at Jersey Zoo. The Reptile and Amphibian House at Jersey Zoo is home to some of the most endangered species that Durrell works with but is in urgent need of improved and more sustainable facilities. These improvements will also support Durrell’s team working at rewilding sites around the world, who are undertaking vital research and providing frontline care to these species on the brink.
Commenting on the auction, Director of Communications and Fundraising Alexandra Shears said: “The launch of the online auction for Tortoise Takeover is an important milestone for the trail. As well as bringing enjoyment to islanders and visitors alike, the trail will help us raise much needed funds to support our vital work with the many species of reptiles and amphibians we work with both here and in the wild. Being able to place bids whilst the trail is still on, is a new element for Tortoise Takeover, which we hope will bring even more excitement for the auction. The auction at Go Wild Gorillas was a phenomenal event and we hope the Tortoise Takeover auction will prove to be just as popular.”
Space will be limited at the in-person auction. Any serious bidders are asked to register their interest in attending by visiting the Tortoise Takeover website or emailing [email protected].