Jersey is a place that can’t be defined by a single experience. It’s not a city break, or a country break, or a beach break. Jersey is all of these things and more.

This training page gives our valued trade partners the tools to discover what makes Jersey a place that’s familiar, yet ever so slightly exotic. Whether your clients are from within the UK or further afield, we have expertise, resources, and insider tips to help you plan the perfect island break and guide you through the process of creating a liberating and joyful client experience.

Visit Jersey’s webinars and training programmes are a vital tool and source of information to discover more about the destination and become Jersey Specialists!

If you are interested in working with Visit Jersey to run a destination training webinar for your colleagues or agents, get in touch with the Trade team to discuss options.

Become a Jersey specialist

Want to find out just why Jersey was voted the #1 island in the British Isles by the Conde Nast Traveller Readers’ Choice Awards 2023?

We’ve launched our brand new 2024 online training platform in English and German to give our travel partners all the information needed to inspire bookings to Jersey.

The platform will be regularly updated with the latest news, 2024 event dates and product information, alongside our updated training course where you can learn more about getting to and around Jersey, and find plenty of inspiration on where to stay, what to do and where to eat.

Become a Jersey Specialist

Visit Jersey Webinars

Visit Jersey is excited to host a series of webinars throughout the year to showcase the island and inspire the travel trade to become Jersey experts.

Découvrez notre webinaire en français sur l’île de Jersey

Destinée aux professionnels du tourisme, cette formation en ligne vous invite à explorer la beauté des paysages, la diversité des régions et la multitude d’activités qu’offre Jersey, afin de mieux comprendre la destination et guider vos clients avec expertise.

Jersey Presents: Autumn/Winter

Jersey Presents: Food & Drink

Jersey Presents: Jersey Uncovered

Jersey Presents: Culture & Heritage

Jersey Presents: Nature

Jersey Presents: Active & Wellbeing

Jersey Presents: Christmas in Jersey

Jersey Presents: Spring & Summer

Jersey. Britisch, nur anders

In unserem aktuellen deutschen Webinar erhalten Reiseprofis wertvolle Informationen über Jersey als Urlaubsdestination. Was hat die Insel zu bieten? Wie kommt man hin? Für welche meiner Kunden ist Jersey geeignet? Dies und vieles mehr erfahren Sie in rund 20 kurzweiligen Minuten.